Saturday, May 1, 2010

Overwhelmed by rpg hobby

Strange enough, but I almost had burnout from roleplaying hobby of mine. How is that possible?

Too much. I like to play, and that is one thing I don't trade for anything. But also I am quite active at forum, try to blog, try to read rpg books, want to get more of them and on top of that I got kazillion ideas for rpg's running on my own system.

And ofcourse outside this fantasy world of roleplaying games I have real life involving job, daily activities, animals, friends etc. So, as rpg-ing became bigger and bigger but I didn't want to be outcast from "real life", I got into this situation that I didn't have time enough for everything!

So my rpg hobby started to grow too big. I had to back down. Small break in blogging, few days off from forums, iceing my game project(s), and just enjoying playing. I gotta say, as much as I love rpgs in general, this small backing down was good for me. I just played and didn't stress about developing or writing game, being active in internet on rpg related items and so on.

This is great hobby. It is not just playing, but can involve social enountering in internet, writing, planning, reading, sivilizing yourself with knowledge and so on. But also this hobby can take really big part of your life, and that started to be a slight problem.

Now I am happy. Happily gaming, and leaving game development into it's place of freedom not must. Now I have time and space and no stress to arrange time and inspiration to continue being active(-ish) in rpg community as in game development.

I am happy. And rpgs are my life. They don't rule my life, but are great part of me and they make who I am.


Anonymous said...

It is important not to stress about your hobby. Once you can do that, you will find yourself contributing more to the community.

Unknown said...

That is so true. The line is thin what is too much from the hobby in your life and time.

Nuurori said...

Mietinki jo, että ootko downshiftaamassa :D

Tää muuten pätee kaikkeen muuhunkin ku pelaamiseen. Heti kun homma alkaa mennä suorittamiseksi, kun tekemisen syyksi tulee joksikin tuleminen, ollaan kivettyneessä metsässä.

Takaisin juurille.

Unknown said...


Välillä on oikeassa elämässä enemmän kiire kuin sitten taas joskus enemmän downtimea. Kuitenkin kun on työelämässä, niin projekteja ei pysty tekemään täysipäiväisesti. Joskus on helpompaa arkena, jolloin on aikaa ja energiaa aloittaa projekteja. Kuitenkin tuo voi muuttua, töissä voi tulla kiireinen aika ja elämään muita tohinoita jotka sitten saattavat viivästyttää projektia.

En ole kuitenkaan jättänyt niistä mitään, vaan teen kun jaksan. Pientä taukoa on ollut nyt, mutta heti kun alkaa taas energiaa olla joka suuntaan, niin projekti(t) jatkuu. Varmasti uudella suurella innolla. Ongelma vain on, että vaikka kädet ovat kiireelliset niin aivot eivät lepää :P Eli ideaa pukkaa jatkuvasti, mutta aikaa ei ole istahtaa alas muutamaksi tunniksi joka ilta kirjoittamaan niitä ylös!

Missä on se plugi aivojen ja tietokoneen välillä? Kohta on sentään vuosi 2020 (referoi Cyberpunk 2020 aivolinkkeihin).

And same in english quickly. Sometimes there is time for projects to start, but situations can change and other things in life can take bigger part so there is no simply time for writing for example an rpg. It would need full time work to do quickly and efficiently an rpg but I am working full time + personal life. Still haven't forgotten about my project and it's waiting for time to write more.

Where is computer link to brains like in CP2020, it's year 2020 soon :P